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Replacing the cell nucleus


Ease of use

100% Natural

Environmentally friendly

Replacing of / ordering a cell nucleus

If the cell nucleus is less than half a year old, we advise you first to check the system for possible other causes other than replacing the cell nucleus.
There is almost always something else going on, because the cell nucleus will in principle last at least six months or more! And .... the transparent piece of plastic has a function, so let it be!

Unscrew the lid and remove the hose with the electrolytic cell from the tank. Preferably clean the electrolytic cell first with white vinegar! Disassemble the electrolytic cell together with the John Guest insertion part of the hose. Now turn the John Guest insertion part of the electrolytic cell and then remove the plug.
Remains the electrolysis cell! 

Photo 1 and 2:  Apply the supplied plastic ring around the electrolytic cell or preferably use the supplied screwdriver. Use the plastic ring or screwdriver to press the clips so that they both release. 

Photo 3:  Now pull the cell nucleus off the electrolytic cell and remove it. 

Photo 4:  Press the replacement cell nucleus with both clips into the two holes of the electrolytic cell and press both clips firmly. Then press both legs of the clip on a hard surface (photo 5)  until you hear a click. See photo 6  for the result. 

Re-install the electrolytic cell. Note: first plug in the plug, then screw the John Guest coupler onto the electrolytic cell and press the John Guest coupler firmly back onto the tube. Put power back on the system and TIP: Check whether there is ozone production by dipping the electroyse cell in a glass of water. Now you can see it  better than in the tank! 
Hang the tube with the electrolytic cell back into the tank and tighten the lid securely again.  

Attention: the transparent plastic between the replacement cell nucleus and the blue insulation must be present, so DO NOT REMOVE IT!

Buying or ordering the replacement cell nucleus:
You can usually buy the replacement cell nucleus from your Tank-O3 dealer, or you can easily order a new replacement cell nucleus by using the "order" button.
