NEW: Add-on set prevents limescale!

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Frequently asked questions


Ease of use

100% Natural

Environmentally friendly

1. Issues? The yellow or red light is on? Probably easy to fix!

If the cell nucleus is normally less than six months old, then first take one of the actions below and/or read blog 1:

LED light                   Meaning                     What you can do 

Green                        Power                        System switched on
Green + Yellow        Check system          Check system
Green + Red             Short circuit              Short circuit, replace cell nucleus 


  • Is the electrolytic cell under water?

  • Check connection of current regulator to electrolytic cell, is it installed according to regulations? See Instruction video on “Instruction manual” 

  • The hose is not pressed tight enough, does this cause water to enter the hose? Or is the O-ring not mounted? Result: short circuit at the plug that plugs into the electrolysis cell. Solution: dry both the plug and the inside of the electrolytic cell (by blowing). Push the plug back into the electrolytic cell, turn the plug up and down a few times so that the contact is properly restored. And of course now press the hose strong and well! 

  • The clamp is not properly secured, there is too little power to the electrolytic cell! Solution: See below. 

  • The clamp is not properly pressed  (after replacement!) So check that the clamp’s legs are tight. Press each leg of the clamp firmly onto a hard surface until you hear a click. Now the clamp is tight! 

  • No jar, but a lot of limescale on the cell? Check at least once every 2 to 3 weeks, more often if necessary! For proper cleaning, see “Cleaning Tips”


  • Short circuit in the cell nucleus or cell nucleus used up? Replace cell nucleus, see “Replacing cell nucleus”. As stated earlier, the cell nucleus normally lasts for at least 6 months, so for a season. Therefore, first check the above carefully.

  • Short circuit due to late or late descaling (without a jar)!
    If a lot of lime has deposited on the cell core, the lime will crush the clamps of the cell core,
    or worse: the connection point of the electrolysis unit breaks off under pressure from the lime.
    As a result, the electrolysis unit must be repaired or replaced, see blog 1.

    If the system is not checked for a long time, the electrolysis unit can be damaged by oxidation with the same consequence: repair or replacement of the electrolysis unit.

2. Who can install this system for me?

The Tank-O3 fresh water system should preferably be installed by your supplier or maintenance company. They are technically specialized and can easily install the system by following instructions from the included Tank-O3 fresh water systemInstruction manual 2.0”.

3. How can I keep the Tank-O3 system easily maintained?

We recommend checking once every week / 2 weeks (at 50 mA), preferably at a fixed time (Saturday?) whether there is still enough water in the jar and topping it up or refill if necessary, that's all! *Lime-free water can be demineralized, distilled, osmosis or descaled water.
Maintenance when no jar is placed:

Unscrew the lid of the clean water tank. Fill a small bottle with a wide neck with cleaning vinegar or citric acid and you can simply immerse the electrolytic cell, still mounted on the tube, into the bottle. After approx. 10 minutes, remove the electrolytic cell from the bottle and dry the electrolytic cell with a cloth. Close the bottle with vinegar, ready for the next cleaning. It is that simple! For more information and photos, see cleaning tips.

4. Where can I buy or order the system?

Click on Dealers, beside that you can order the system by using the order button.

5. Replacing the cell nucleus?

For detailed information on how to replace a cell nucleus, we refer you to the next page Replacing the cell nucleus

6. Where can I find the highly requested "how clean is the clean water tank" test

At the end of 2016, the Netherlands Kampeerauto Club (or NKC, literally translated as the Dutch Camper Club) commissioned the test laboratory of water company Vitens - as an independent institute- to test a number of remedies or systems regarding the quality of water in the clean water tanks of campers. Click on how clean is the clean watertank to read about this test.

7. Is this system only intended for motorhomes?

The system is marketed for motorhomes first but can also be used in caravans, Tiny Houses, boats and yachts, buses, trucks, horse trailers, service vehicles and other relatively minor applications.
The system can be supplied tailor-made for all kinds of applications. Contact us for further details.

8. Does the system only work on 12-Volts

The digital Tank-O3 fresh water system works on both 12 and 24 Volt. We use an ozone cell with a single cell nucleus.

9. Is ozone gas dangerous

The amount of ozone gas produced by the Tank-O3 system is so small that it is absolutely harmless as long as there is an airflow (both in and out) in the water tank. Ozone gas changes back into oxygen after approx. 25 minutes, so with a good airflow, no accumulation of ozone gas occurs. And given the small amount of ozone gas that is produced, this gas will immediately and quickly dissolve in the ambient air.    

10. Does Tank-O3 protect water against Legionella?

Tank-O3 is the best legionella prevention system on the market. What many people do not realize is that the quality of the water in the clean water tank, especially at higher temperatures, rapidly deteriorates, resulting in contamination of water as well as in the tank and, in the worst case, a high safety risk of legionella contamination. All this is prevented by Tank-O3, without having to give it a second thought and without taking (necessary) actions.

11. Can I install the system by myself?

If you have sufficient technical knowledge or if you are a handy do-it-yourselfer, then it is best to install the Tank-O3 system on the basis of the enclosed
Tank-O3 Tank-O3 Instruction manual 2.0 or by watching the "instruction video".
With each system a User Manual is supplied with the installation manual on the back. This is included in the packaging.   

12. How do I know whether my tank is suitable?

Tank-O3 is suitable for plastic and stainless steel clean water tanks* up to approx. 150 liters. For a larger tank capacity we may recommend multiple systems to achieve a good distribution of ozone in the water tank. Mail or give us a call for more information!

Your clean water tank must also have an airflow system. Every built-in and therefore sealed clean water tank with a filler opening on the outside is standardly equipped with such an airflow system. If a water tank was closed off and water was being added, the tank would explode because the air could not escape during filling. That is why this is necessary and therefore automatically present. If you have a loose water tank that is being filled at the water tap by unscrewing the filler cap, you should make a  bleed valve at the top of the tank when using such a tank.

* Not suitable for aluminum or steel tanks.

13. What does the system cost?

You can see Tank-O3 as a long-term investment, the system will last for years, except for the cell nucleus, which is susceptible to wear.

The retail price for the Tank-O3 system is € 399.

Avoid unnecessary doctor fees and trouble during your holiday and weekend trips and dare to invest, costs are around € 30 on average per person per year based on depreciation and maintenance costs. (based on 2 people).

14. What does a cell nucleus replacement cost?

This costs € 39.95 each. You can easily order a new cell nucleus by clicking the "Order" button.

15. Does the system require maintenance?

After installation, the only maintenance is to remove any limescale deposits from the cell nucleus (the small wear part at the bottom of the system.) We therefore recommend that the cell nucleus is checked once every 2 to 3 weeks. If necessary, clean the cell nucleus by immersing the cell nucleus for a short time in citric acid or cleaning vinegar, see cleaning tips.

To ensure that the system works properly, we recommend replacing the cell nucleus every season. This is highly dependent on motorhome use, however. This is required more often when the system is used frequently and continuously than during normal motorhome use, when the system will be switched off more often. Or at least make sure you have a replacement cell core with you. This can be ordered by using the order button

16. How to prepare for long-term storage such as in winter?

When the motorhome  is not used for a longer period of time, we advise you to empty the tank (and during frost periods also the jar) and switch off the Tank-O3 system (remove the plug). The big advantage is that the motorhome is stored with a completely clean drinking water tank. This is in contrast to what often happens: the tank is cleaned just before the motorhome is used again. This is no longer necessary, however, as the tank is always clean. At the start of the season, if necessary, rinse the tank with water, then fill with water, switch on the Tank-O3system again and  set off at ease again with a clean tank and safe water!

17. Price list accessories and spare parts for the Tank-O3 fresh water system.

We can provide you with any replacement parts or accessories you need for installation or to prevent malfunctions. Even if you want to expand the system, we provide a good waterproofing of the brass fitting in the lid. Click here for the accessories and parts price list. Always mail your order for accessories and parts, with the exception of the replacement cell nucleus that various dealers have in stock.

18. Is there any guarantee on the system?

There is a 2-year guarantee on the fixed parts of the system. The cell nucleus is a so-called wear part which, with continuous use, lasts a whole season on average. No guarantee is provided for this. Enter your warranty certificate here!

19. Why a DC Converter and how do you connect it?

Click here for an explanation and how to connect the DC Converter.

20. Does the system not drain the battery?

Given the extremely low power consumption of max. 50 mA (tank approx. 150 liters), the battery will not be drained quickly. If you keep the battery in good condition by using a charger, constant battery charger or a fixed connection, no problem will arise whatsoever.

If the motorhome is stationary for a long period of time, it is advisable to switch off the system so that you store the motorhome with a completely clean tank for an easy new start!
We advise you to empty not only the tank but also the jar during periods of frost!

21. How can I switch off the system?

This can be done by disconnecting the power supply that is plugged into the Tank-O3 flow controller with a plug.

22. What happens if there is no more water in the clean water tank?

Nothing happens, because no electrolysis takes place, the cell nucleus will not consume any power. However, it is advisable to ensure that there is sufficient water in the water tank thus the Tank-O3 system can do the job for which it is intended! When the motorhome  is standing for a long time, drain the water as usual and switch off the Tank-O3 system obviously. Remember to empty the pot during the winter period! Think of the winter period

Extra advantage: normally you park your motorhome with an uncleaned water tank, from now on with a clean water tank.

23. Is there a type approval for the system?

The supplier of the system has issued Tank-O3with a declaration of conformity. The text reads as follows: The manufacturer assures, on its own responsibility, that the the electrolytic ozone generator, model Tank-O3 is in accordance with 

the requirements of the following  regulations:

93/68 / EEC low voltage directive, DIN EN 61010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use 89/336 / EEC electromagnetic compatibility EMC DIN EN measurements of ratio-interference performance in electrical appliances and the tighter inspection reports 50081 part 1 technical basis standard emission nl 55014. This statement complies with NL 45014.

The Ozone Safety Information Sheet can be requested from us by email.

24. Flyers / advertising brochures for dealers!

Download here the flyer "Stay HEALTHY!! Safe water ....."
First print page 1 a few times, then page 2 on the back.
Then cut the A4 to 2 A5 and the flyers are ready!
